Welcome to Silverdale & Arnside AONB Weather where data from five weather stations located around the AONB can be explored.
Please use the menus above to access reports, plots, and records (maxima and minima).
Data Availability
Current observations are normally available from all the weather stations other than Hazelrigg. Observations are provided approximately every minute for Heversham and Walton, and every 15 minutes for Silverdale.
30 minute interval data is normally available in daily reports and interval plots shortly after the interval ends but data delivery may be delayed. There is no 30 minute interval data for Hazelrigg. Silverdale's measurements, and Arnside's measurement since 2022, do not include UV radiation, solar radiation or evapotranspiration.
Aggregated daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and all-time data is normally updated automatically once a day, station by station, when all the interval data is available for the day. However Hazelrigg data, which is limited to daily high temperature, low temperature and rainfall, is only updated manually on an ad-hoc basis (following publication in the CEDA archive).
Pages do not auto-refresh.
Latest Observations
Arnside 7:09am, Fri 07 Feb 2025 | |
Item | Value |
Temperature | 3.8°C 0.9°C day low 4.4°C day high 0.6°C dewpoint |
Humidity | 80% |
Pressure | 1036.6 hPa falling slowly |
Wind | 3.0 mph NW 29.0 mph day high |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr 0.0 mm/hr day high |
Rain | 0.0 mm day total |
UV Index | 0.0 0.0 day high |
Solar Radiation | 0 w/m2 0 w/m2 day high |
Evapo- transpiration | 0.10 mm day total |
Heversham 7:09am, Fri 07 Feb 2025 | |
Item | Value |
Temperature | 1.7°C 1.3°C day low 3.7°C day high 0.0°C dewpoint |
Humidity | 88% |
Pressure | 1042.7 hPa falling rapidly |
Wind | 0.0 mph SSE 15.0 mph day high |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr 0.0 mm/hr day high |
Rain | 0.0 mm day total |
UV Index | 0.0 0.0 day high |
Solar Radiation | 0 w/m2 0 w/m2 day high |
Evapo- transpiration | 0.10 mm day total |
Silverdale 7:00am, Fri 07 Feb 2025 | |
Item | Value |
Temperature | 3.6°C 1.2°C day low 3.7°C day high 1.0°C dewpoint |
Humidity | 83% |
Pressure | 1037.0 hPa falling |
Wind | 0 mph 8 mph day high |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr 0.0 mm/hr day high |
Rain | 0.2 mm day total |
UV Index | |
Solar Radiation | |
Evapo- transpiration |
Warton 7:09am, Fri 07 Feb 2025 | |
Item | Value |
Temperature | 3.4°C 0.9°C day low 3.9°C day high 0.6°C dewpoint |
Humidity | 82% |
Pressure | 1036.5 hPa falling slowly |
Wind | 2.0 mph N 20.0 mph day high |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr 0.0 mm/hr day high |
Rain | 0.0 mm day total |
UV Index | 0.0 0.0 day high |
Solar Radiation | 0 w/m2 0 w/m2 day high |
Evapo- transpiration | 0.08 mm day total |
Plots of the Recent Weather
Move the cursor over a plot to see the exact data values.