North Lakes Historic Weather

Historic weather records from the eHideaway weather station that was located in Keswick and then Cockermouth.

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eHideaway > North Lakes > Reports > Year Reviews

Cockermouth 2015 Review

Until mid October, 2015 had been a dry year for Cockermouth. Then it rained, almost every day, until the end of the year. With the ground waterlogged, on 5th December Storm Desmond bought heavy rain to the Lake District turning the rivers in wild torrents. First Keswick was flooded, then, late in afternoon, Cockermouth Main Street and the surrounding areas were flooded. West Cumbria was virtually cut off for 2 days with many roads closed including the A66 at Braithwaite.

Temperature wise 2015 was mild; neither particularly hot in the summer nor cold in the winter. The summer was relatively dry but lacked sunshine. During the winter months there were a few minor snow events but these were shortlived.

Cockermouth 2014 Review

Weatherwise 2014 was undistinguished. The spring was wetter than normal. The summer and particularly September were relatively dry. The autumn was wet but a little less so than normal. Snow did not feature significantly.

Keswick 2013 Review

2013 started with a cold but dry first quarter, continued with a relatively warm and dry summer, and then finished with a very wet last quarter (as is so often the case hereabouts). The largest snowfall, of a few of inches, was on the 24th March but this soon melted.

Keswick 2012 Review

Unlike most of the country, 2012 was not particularly wet (for Keswick!) with 1963mm of rain. In fact the first 5 months of 2012 were relatively dry with only 368mm of rain. At the end of May Keswick had a 10 day heatwave with no rain and temperatures in the mid twenties. June however was very wet with 317mm of rain including 100mm of rain on June 22. The remainder of 2012 continued on the wet side with few sunny days. The windiest spell of weather was in early January with gusts of over 80mph recorded at Keswick School on Jan 4. Only minor quantities of snow fell during 2012.

Data from 25 March 2011 to 9 April 2014 is for Keswick. Data from 10 April 2014 to 9 October 2017 is for Cockermouth.

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